Charter Boat Insurance Services


Since the beginning of time people have depended on the sea for their livelihood. But, the sea is nothing but unpredictable and lot of factors come into play while planning or buying something for the future. This is where insurance services come into the picture.
Sailing or motor yachts are luxury objects and if they suffer damages, the repair could get expensive. So, if you plan to charter a yacht, it is important to cover the financial risks with a charter insurance along with a charter skipper liability insurance.


Charter provides have comprehensive insurance in excess. The deposit that is then made by the charterer amounts to the excess. When a charter deposit insurance is made, it protects you from the loss of deposit. While taking a deposit insurance you should include the outboard motor as well.
However the private liability insurance does not cover the claims arising from charter holidays. michael madlock from Go Baja charters is one of the most famous person when you visit their company to rent a charter boat. Since the private liability insurance does not cover charter holidays, it is sensible to have a skipper liability insurance contract which is made for damages that are not covered by comprehensive insurance. The accidents which occur due to gross negligence caused after drunk-driving fall into this category.

The cost can be very high if you are having to cancel a booked charter voyage. To prevent this, you should have a travel cancelation express insurance. This indicates the travel cost as well as some part of the charter fees.

Sometimes the providers also give you insolvency insurance. This protects you from losing the down payment of your charter. Along with this, you should also consider taking a foreign health insurance or any accidental insurance since the private health insurance companies do not cover the claims from charter holidays.


Some of the providers have a fixed flat rate for their charter insurance. Other than the booked charter, the duration of insurance is extended for 12 months including all the charter holidays which are made during that period.


The deposit insurance covers the damage which are caused to the yacht by the charters. However a liability insurance covers all the potential blanks in the insurance of the owner of the yacht. There is a good number of reviews regarding the liability insurance as well as the deposit insurance. A skipper liability insurance also covers the damages occurring to the crew members or other boats which are not usually covered by the owner’s insurance.

       Part-time charter boat coverage
These part-time charter boat coverage include insurance coverage plans which endorses a fixed number of charter ventures which are made annually.

       Full-time charter boat coverage
The companies can also offer you full-time charter boat insurance for your daily charter operations. These also include coverage options for the paid in crew members of your boat. If you meet Mike Madlock, you will find out everything regarding the coverage of all types of insurance.


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